Monday, August 14, 2006

This really happens?

You've seen it in movies and on TV: People getting in to some place or seeing someone because they have an "in." The person they wouldn't NORMALLY get to hang with because of celebrity status or the magazine they have a very slim chance of getting into without knowing someone who works there.

I am beginning to see that in real life. That's happening with me. I'm back to editing with Skyline Literary Magazine, which went under last May. We are, however, making a comeback. I put the word out to a bunch of writers I know to submit, and it seems that if I say "he's a friend" or "she is a writer I know," they have a better chance of getting accepted. And, yes, I mean accepted. As it stands now, I'm not hearing the EIC say anything along the lines of "just because he's your friend doesn't mean he's getting published here."

So I guess there really IS an advantage to having contacts. I guess saying something like "it's ok, they're with me" are magic words.

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