When it comes to a writer having a blog, it's gonna happen: Blog posts are MIA from time to time. As it is, I got caught up with NaNoWriMo last month and didn't focus too heavily on the blogging thing. Now that November has come and gone, and even though I'm a little buried with book projects (including a BIG paying assignment I'm starting on in January), I have NO EXCUSE to not blog!
That said, it seems I have a little catching up to do. Because...I forgot to post about Jesse's birthday! And also about Thanksgiving. When you've got a blog, you gotta post about Thanksgiving!
Now, as for Jesse's birthday:
We took a vacation to California during the last part of October to visit with family. We were planning to leave earlier than that, but I had a deadline to meet with my publisher, and instead of taking a 500+ page manuscript on the road with me to edit, the vacation got postponed. Which is actually a good thing, because Jesse got to celebrate his VERY FIRST birthday with family! YAY! Everybody went nuts over him. It was so cute watching him crawl up his uncle's leg and pulling on a family member's arm the way he did. As for Jennifer, she celebrated her birthday FOUR TIMES in that month! She had a family birthday at home on the day of her birthday and then a party with her friends the next day. Then, she celebrated a birthday with Jesse at my sister's house in Lake Arrowhead. (Instead of blowing the candle out, Jesse banged it out! LOL Good thing he didn't get burned, though.) Then she celebrated with Jesse again on the day of his birthday, this time at my in-laws' house. He got to meet his paternal grandparents for the very first time.
We were going to get Cornish game hens for Thanksgiving this year. Sort of have an UNtraditional dinner. (I was all set to make my famous cheesecake.) But Jennifer insisted on having a turkey, so that's what we had! A traditional turkey dinner with all the fixings. What was cute was how, after she ate, Jennifer clapped and commented on how good the food was. Jesse was clapping, too, but I don't think he was aware of WHY he was clapping. Haha.
As to other things: I took Jesse to the doctor following his stomach problems. (See last blog post.) It turned out he had a stomach infection. I was also concerned about him having lactose intolerance. I have always had mild lactose intolerance, so I thought maybe he does, too, because of how bad his stomach acted up from time to time after having a milk bottle. So the doctor told us to A: Wait out the infection. And B: Start giving Jesse 2% Lactaid milk instead of regular. The good news is, he is all better now.
And...he's WALKING!!!! WOO-HOO!!!!! After months of being wobbly when he tried to walk and falling down so many times, he is able to finally walk just fine. Sometimes he'll go a little too fast and fall down but, for the most part, he is able to walk without losing his balance. Yay!
Jennifer's glasses broke and we're making plans to get her new ones. She keeps saying she can see just fine and doesn't need them, but I told her the doctor is the one to decide about that. He prescribed the glasses in the first place, on account of her lazy eye, and even though her eye has gotten better and her vision has improved, he said it's a good idea for her to keep wearing them. Unfortunately, Jesse might have eye troubles, too, so I'm making an appointment for BOTH of the kids to see the opthalmologist.
And I need to get new glasses, too. My vision hasn't been so great, I'm afraid. As it is, I can't see street signs too well (the names of streets) and have had to rely on landmarks to get around. So, I'll be getting new glasses real soon, too!
So that's it for now. Hope I've covered everything! I'll try to blog more often and visit my blogging buddies' blogs, as well.
How to Make Your Characters Memorable
4 weeks ago
Glad to hear everything went so well! Happy Birthday to your kids!
Glasses, well I wouldnt rush on that. In America glasses are big money business. In othere countries glasses are used as a tool to help improve your vision back to perfect. Here, its like crutches for life. There are eye exercises you can do, if you are interested. Both my kids have gone to an eye therapist and she has not yet felt the need to put glasses on them. My youngest needs to go back and be evaluated again this year, but if she does end up in glasses, our doctor says never tell your child they have to wear them ALL the time, if they do that, they will weaken their vision. Why do you think Jesse needs his eyes checked now, is he having problems that are recognizeable? Childrens eyes are changing till they are age 6 and 7...until then its rare to have a 20/20 vision exam. Here is the American optometrist rule of thumb...if you go there, they will put glasses on you even if all you have is astigmatism!! Astigmatism can be corrected WITHOUT glasses, but most dont tell you that. I have worn glasses since I was 7 and my eyes have gotten progressively worse since then. But I became completely dependant on glasses when I started wearing contacts. Now my vision is too weak to even not wear them at home. However, I did the eye exercises that were given to my kids and improved my vision enough to change my glasses prescription a little bit better!!
Wow, I didn't know that about eye exercises! TEACH ME!!! LOL :) Seriously, though. It does seem like my vision is getting worse instead of better, even with glasses. I eat A LOT of tuna and carrots, too. Though I know that kinda thing doesn't exactly cure vision problems; it just improves eye health. Anyway, we think something's up with Jesse's eyes because it looks like he has a lazy eye. Jennifer had the same problem. I would be waaaayyyyy too nervous to get my kids into eye sugery. (I have the same nervousness over back surgery.) But if there are eye exercises we can do to strengthen the eyes, I'd love to know about them. I would LOVE IT if I didn't have to wear glasses. They're a big inconvenience.
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