Friday, December 01, 2006

What would MacGyver do?

This morning an online friend IMed me with her latest blog post. The subject of that blog post was, "I MacGyvered the Snowblower!" Here's the link:

One of the things I typed back was, "I had a HUGE!! crush on Richard Dean Anderson LOL" My former brother-in-law used to tease me about it, cooing, "You LOOOVE him!" And even though I'd get all defensive-like and say "no, I don't!" it's true. LOL I remember just TOTALLY being into him and even fantasizing about marrying him one day. *blushes*

But, of course, I had other crushes. On other actors. LOL Ricky Shroeder and David Hasselhoff. But it's definitely RDA I had the loooongest crush on. And every time I read about him in the news, or something, I would always remember that crush.

But today, my friend's blog post sent me back to the 80's. Not only did I tell a family member in a later IM "I'm thinking of crimping my hair again" (yes! I once crimped my hair!!), and not only did she tell me "let the 80's stay in the 80's" (haha), but I even started thinking nonstop about MacGyver!

He even got into a posting I made at the Absolute Write Water Cooler: "I decided to skip over my character getting all McGyver with her computer and leave her with the doubts." haha I IMed my friend and teased her, "It's your fault I typed this!" And I showed her that. LOL It got me thinking ALL about MacGyver.

And not so much about Richard Dean Anderson.

Well....maybe not THAT much. *blushes*


Karen Putz said...

And now YOU've got me thinking about him all day.

We must be getting old. LOL

Dawn Wilson said...

LOL Sorry...