My oldest child, Jennifer, turned 10 years old today. Hooray! Happy Birthday, Jennifer!
Because her birthday falls on a school day this year, we decided to have a little family party today, then on Saturday, she'll have a birthday party with her friends. She will have TWO birthday parties this year! How cool is that??
Here are some pictures from today. Because my husband works at night, we decided to celebrate her family party during the day before he leaves for work.A surprise awaits Jennifer upon her return home from school!
Ten years old means a ten dollar bill. Woot!
Interestingly, I call her a "silly monkey." Before her birthday came along, she let me know she wanted a BROWN sock monkey. Took a while before we found one!
She lubs her new robe! Arr!
She'd been asking for My Neighbor Totoro for MONTHS! So nice I found it at Target. And, yes, she wanted Dumbo, too!
Jen enjoying her birthday cupcake with TWO flavors of ice cream! Num.
Little brother Jesse had fun eating his cupcake.